Prince Eric (hands off he's mine)
Pick The Hottest Animated Disney Character
Once upon a slime! It's more of a huge secrete than a huge secret that Disney dreams up some damn fine specimens of masculinity, and today we're going to pick the sexiest male Disney character ever. Creams do come true! Okay and done with that. Whether you first put it together when you were a wee little gay or realized later in life that you want to aniMATE (#sorrynotsorry), there's a good chance that you've been thirsty for at least one Disney stud over your lifetime! Or, maybe you remembered the magic this weekend when you watched Zootopia on Netflix twice and realized it's because Nick Wilde is insanely sexy, for example.
Nick Wilde
I don't want to get too real here because today is really just about hot pieces of cartoon ass, but I can't help but be appreciative of the brains behind the overtly hot Disney characters. Interestingly, a large percentage of Disney IMAGINEERS are also IMAGINQUEERS, and the company has actually pioneered gay rights for decades. It takes a pretty gay team to dream up some of the fine cartoons below (I mean King Triton is a DADDY and was created by openly gay animator Andreas Deja), not to mention pretty much everything else in the Disney universe. According to The Atlantic the company has sponsored gay pride events since 1991 and began offering unheard of same-sex benefits in the mid 1990's. Walt Disney is rolling over in his cryogenic chamber!
I can map my tingly feelings back to Prince Eric, who looks like a non-ethnically ambiguous version of my ex boyfriend (a fact that I was indeed aware of when we dated, TBH). Throw in a little Aladdin, some O'Malley the Alley Cat, a dash of Dad from Inside Out, and of course Nick Wilde in Zootopia, and you've got one lifetime of gayness!
Spill the deets on your favorite Disney stud below, and check out these examples to get you started. I'll Make a Man Out of You, indeed!
Nick in Zootopia (2016)
Dad in Inside Out (2015)
Kristoff in Frozen (2013)
Flynn in Tangled (2010)
Tarzan in Tarzan (1999)
Le Shang in Mulan (1998)
Captain John Smith in Pocahontas (1995)
Kocoum in Pocahontas (1995)
Simba in The Lion King (1993)
Aladdin in Aladdin (1992)
King Triton in The Little Mermaid (1989)
Prince Eric in The Little Mermaid (1989)
Tod in The Fox and the Hound (1981)
Robin Hood in Robin Hood (1973)
Thomas O'Malley "The Alley Cat" in Aristocats (1970)
Tramp in Lady and the Tramp (1955)