It's not even anything dirty or suicide-related, but that is how Active Duty model Randy passed away this weekend, and Dustin Michaels died just a month ago from similar causes. Two sad, avoidable tragedies.
Randy, the 23-year-old twink with the braces who was a regular on Dink Flamingo's site and did some work with Brent Corrigan, passed away from carbon monoxide poisoning after falling asleep in a confined space with poor ventilation. It has been ruled that his death was not a suicide. Michaels, whose death was caught on film by a crew for a "Cops"-like reality show, choked on a plastic bag of marijuana that he tried to swallow while evading arrest. Our thoughts go out to both of their families. And a plea to all the other young porn stars. It's a tough world, boys, be careful out there. It's only January and we've already lost enough people.
· R.I.P. Randy from Active Duty (