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This Chicken Is Finger-Licking Good


We learned all about the circle of life from "The Lion King," but the way we really like to see it in action is when a man eats his own cum.

This little twink, AlexP666, has the right idea. After working out a nice load all over his lap, he dips in and gives himself a nice taste. This way, not a drop goes to waste. It came out of his body and it goes right back in. Not to get all new-agey on your asses, but he's also preserving his mojo, because as he spills it out, he's consuming it yet again. That way he'll be ready with a hard-on whenever the situation demands it. It's like a phoenix rising from the ashes, except the phoenix is his cock and the ashes is like his pubes or something. Oh, we're bad at metaphors, but you get the tasty idea.

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· Twink with Hairy Ass Jacking Off on Leather Couch (xtube.com)

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