There are weird videos and then there is this. We don't even know what to make of this clip of an adorable twinky surfer fucking a stuffed dog. He must have been stoned.
Sure, he has a hot body and a great mop of hair, but when he starts humping a large plush animal, that's where we lose it. We've seen plenty of animal humping on XTube, but there's something about this that isn't about fetish or kink, but about some fucked up kid who thought it would be cool to try. We're glad he's having fun (and by the sounds of it, he's having a blast!) but there's something about this that is a little creepy. Maybe it's the lighting or the too-close-to-get-a-good-view cumshot, but we hope this kid decides to pick a better camera and some floor lamps and put down the bong and make us something truly stunning.
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·Young Straight Skater Boy (