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Meet Leandro Okabe



While Terra.com's "The Boy" feature invariably stars some ridiculously hot specimen of Brazilian manhood, we have to admit that it gets a little difficult to tell all those Joaos and Gustavos apart from one another; really, once you've seen one lightly hairy blue eyed model with perfect cheekbones lounging around in a low-slung pair of Speedos, haven't you seen them all? There's something about 21-year-old model and physical education student (aren't they all?) Leandro Okabe, however, that distinguishes him from the rest of Terra's pouty-lipped pack. Maybe it's his part Japanese heritage? The fact that he has a successful modeling career in Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong? That giant figure tattooed on his ribcage, which we're pretty sure must mean something like "handsome", "dreamy", or "boner-inducingly hot"?* You're welcome to share your own theories with us. We'll be poring over Made In Brazil's generous selection of near-nude bonus pics of Leandro in the meantime just to see if we missed anything.

· Terra: The Boy (terra.com.br)
· Leandro Okabe (gallery @ madeinbrazil.typepad.com, via QueerClick)

* Yes, we know from the comments in the original post at Made In Brazil that Landro's tat says "happiness" or "good fortune" or something else you'd find on a Chinese restaurant menu . We still prefer to think it says "boner-inducingly hot", if you don't mind.

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