Summing up the bizarre hotness of the new movie True History of Kelly Gang in a blog headline is something that obviously should only be reserved for real journalists. I wasn't even able to work in the fact that in addition to his ass, we see Charlie Hunnam's twat as reacts to being shot completely nude. Or the fact that Nicholas Hoult is wearing only ~very erotique~ garters while chatting it up with rising starlet George MacKay on a couch for what feels like five hours. Or the fact that MacKay himself - most famous as the lead in 1917 - shows his ass while crouching nude on the floor! It's like, what doesn't True History of the Kelly Gang have?
It feels like every decade there's a new movie made about the 1870's Australian outlaw Ned Kelly, and it feels like every decade I don't know one person who watches it. But here we are with Ned Kelly 2: Electric Boogaloo, and maybe this time the filmmakers finally got it right. In the 2003 Ned Kelly both Heath Ledger and Orlando Bloom stayed clothed, and the only ass we got was from Joel Edgerton.
But for the 2020 movie all the sexy leads join in on the bun. And what's really taintillating about the story of Ned Kelly is that he and his Aussie bushrangers (when it comes to the Hemsworths, I'm an Aussie bushranger too, WOAH) cross-dressed. According to The Guardian, True History of Kelly Gang toys with exploring Ned Kelly's queerness, before walking it back - qualifying the cross-dressing as an outlaw tactic:
The frisson produced by begowned outlaws dissipates as Dan Kelly provides a “no homo” explanation of the outfits. They’re a provocation, he says, intended to terrify and disorient the gang’s enemies. “Nothing scares a man like crazy,” he tells Ned, in a phrase repeated throughout the film.
But mamaw, I have eyes and ears and a hole, and according to these scenes below, this is Call Me By Your Name. Just so happy to support queer cinema on here!