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Our Exclusive Interview With Johnny V, The Unfiltered Redheaded American Muscle Hunk




The old adage nice guys finish last has a completely different meaning when applied to the porn industry, but in its originally intended meaning, it couldn't be more off the mark in regard to Johnny V. As one of Falcon Studios latest acquisitions, Johnny has already made a name for himself, thanks in no small part to his epic Naughty Pines scene with Ryan Rose. Despite all the adoration and accolades coming his way, however, Johnny manages to still come off as just an "aw shucks" Midwestern guy, which makes sense since he does hail from Chicago. I recently chatted with Johnny via e-mail about growing up in Chicago, his personal website American Muscle Hunks, and everything in between. 


Vincent Thrice: When did you first become aware of the adult industry and did that coincide with you realizing that it was something you wanted to do for a living, or were those two separate moments?

Johnny V: I first became aware of the adult industry at the approximate age of 16 years old. Yes, that discovery does coincide with me realizing it was something I wanted to do. I remember looking up gay porn stills on AOL when it was the only sort of dial-up network at the time (and no, I am not THAT old). Then came the actual porn videos... All in all, I felt as though I thought I could contribute to this industry as an actor/personality, and look where it has brought me today!


VT: Do you think that coming from a liberal bastion like Chicago (or at least the Western ‘burbs) has helped to give you a more open and understanding worldview than say someone from a small town in southern Illinois? In other words, do you think the environment you grew up in gave you the confidence to enter the adult world?

JV: I wouldn't necessarily say that the location I grew up in gave me the confidence to enter the adult world. I feel as though it was something more internal/mentally driven. I have always been a sexual person, but very timid when sex was mentioned or brought up in conversation. Also, when I would get hit on back in the day, I was so shy about it and making the first move. I will say this though, it was difficult growing up gay in the suburbs, especially coming from an Italian/Catholic background. The city of Chicago brought be out of the closet though. Working at Minibar in Boystown helped me get comfortable and discover who I really am.


VT: Much like myself, you spent a number of years slaving away in a customer service job. Did you ever think when you were in the midst of it that you would escape and follow your dreams someday?

JV: No, I never thought that I would be doing what I am doing today, while sitting at that dead-end cubicle job. I did not go to college, and was brought into that desk job with a little assistance from my father. I realized just recently that I do not have the personality for a desk job. I was bodybuilding and carb deprived at the time, but I knew that I did not want to be doing something that was simply providing me a paycheck at the time. I was bored and almost felt like a robot. I still do not know what I want to do with my life, but this is fun for the moment, and I am still adjusting/molding myself into something special!


VT: What was the impetus for you to start American Muscle Hunks?

JV: Myself and my partner, Joey D, started out web-camming in the comfort of our own home, and a few years later American Muscle Hunks was born! Our idea stemmed from the web-camming industry with a twist of our own, of course. This includes selling memberships to view a variety of hunks muscle worshiping themselves and other muscle hunks. We are still trying to build our empire, and appreciate the support of all of our fans. Be sure to check us out at: www.americanmusclehunks.com


VT: Was this year your first experience with the Folsom Street Fair, and if so, what was that like for you? 

JV: Yes, this year was my first experience with Folsom Street Fair. It was definitely different, compared to IML (International Male Leather) in Chicago, but I had a blast! I feel as though it was a lot more open than anything I have ever been to. This meaning patrons are able to freely express themselves, whether it be walking nude through the streets or flogging someone with a leather whip out in public for all to see. Also, the fans were AMAZING! Signing autographs at the Falcon booth on the street was overwhelming, but very much appreciated and welcomed!


VT: So, in all seriousness… How much ya bench?

JV: LMAO! To be honest, I hate this question! The truth of the matter is: I don't know. I just lift as much as I can handle! Addition and lifting does not work for me; math is hard!


VT: Tony DiMarco favorably compared you to Ryan Rose. How validating was that for you personally?

JV: No shit? I am honored and flattered that he compared me to Ryan Rose. As a matter of fact, Ryan Rose was my first scene partner, and the night before our shoot we shared a bottle of wine and got to know one another. I was shocked to hear that he grew up in Chicago and is part Italian, just like myself! Furthermore, if I ever have a question or need advice about the industry, he is my go-to guy.


VT: What do you think is the hottest scene that you’ve done, or maybe a top three if you can’t pick just one?

JV: The hottest scene I have done is a toss up between the Naughty Pines XXX scene with Ryan Rose and my Hot House XXX scene with Jimmy Durano. They both know exactly what they are doing, but I will say that Jimmy kept me stimulated the entire course of our performance.


VT: Is there anyone you haven’t worked with yet that you’re dying to work with?

JV: I have a laundry list, as follows: Tommy Defendi, Jesse Santana, Cliff Jensen, Pierre Fitch, Brent Everett, James Huntsman, Cody Cummings and the list goes on!


VT: Anything else you’d like your fans to know or perhaps anyone that’s discovering you for the first time?

JV: I would like to reiterate the fact that I am a redheaded Italian and that I have no filter, whatsoever! Also, please get to know and support me through my social media feeds, as follows:

Thank you so much for this interview, as I truly appreciate it!


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