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Get A GRIP On Big Brother’s Cody Calafiore


Every year, Big Brother goes out of its way to cast models as houseguests, and then play coy when it comes out that they're models. Well, this season, we've got not one, but two in the house, and though Cody Calafiore claims to be a "Sales Account Executive," this commercial for GRIP Athletic underwear begs to differ.

According to Big Brother Buzz (link below), Cody's from Hackensack, NJ, famous for it's mention in Billy Joel's "Movin' Out" and for being where my mom works. They just got a Whole Foods in Hackensack. It was the talk of the town for a few weeks there. Now it'll be famous for Cody Calafiore. I went to high school with a guy named Joe Calafiore, but I don't think they're related. He looked a little like Saddam Hussein.

Cody seems to be a decent enough guy this season, and not a total asshat like Zach, or a screaming queen like Frankie. The smart money's got to be on Christine, though. Seriously, she's adorable. Plus she won that Battle of the Block nonsense this week and hopefully that means they can get Frankie out of the house asap. He's just grating, and needs to go away asap. Plus, having only Cody in the house will kill the stereotype that all gay men are nonsensical stereotypes. 

[jwplayer id="7191172"]

Via Big Brother Buzz

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